Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tides and tourists receding

Just as the tides recede and expose the gravel path to Bar Island, so too are the waves of tourists as the school season starts. First the New Hampshire schools go back the last week of August and Massachusetts follows the week before Labor Day with Maine close behind.

Bar Island- which Bar Harbor gets its name from- is an island off of the harbor that is only accessible at low tide when a gravel strip is exposed that you can walk or ride on to access Bar Island. All too often tourists neglect to check the tides tables and get stranded on the island until the next tide or even worse, their cars are tested to see how well they can float!

So too are the streets and roads of Bar Harbor becoming more exposed as school starts and vacations become a summer memory. You can once again walk on the sidewalks and actually find a parking spot at the grocery store.

But like the tides that come in once again to cover your exit back from Bar Island, more waves of tourists will be arriving shortly that will once again block the sidewalks and make driving hazardous to one's sanity.

The cruise ships will start to come in more frequently now through October and as the larger ones arrive they bring a whole other breed of tourists!

Stay tuned as the adventures and challenges continue as we ride the next wave!