Living in a small town on an island In Maine that also happens to be home to a very popular national park, Acadia, presents interesting observations of people on vacation. Our small town of Bar Harbor is very quiet from November through April, dead in fact some people may say. But from May through October there is an increasing buzz of activity that becomes a loud roar in July and August.
I decided to write this blog as a commentary on life in a small town that bursts at the seams during the high season as B&B's like to name their highest rate. These observations come from someone who lives here year round and who wanders among the tourists soaking in the vitality that comes in the summer and early fall before we all go back into hibernation for the winter.
But it is also a commentary of how tourists act while on vacation and wonder if some of this behavior is unique to those who visit a place that takes so long to travel to and seems removed from civilization or if this is true of all tourist towns across the world. Comments and observations from others who live their lives according to tourist seasons are welcome.
So what got me started on this blog was the typical behavior that seems to beset those who come to a small town on vacation. Tourists become oblivious to their surroundings except as it pertains to their immediate needs. Today I decided to tackle the crowds and grab a cappuccino at one of the few places that stays open all year- Cafe Milagro. Although their coffee may be a little on the pricey side it is always good and locals like to support these shops so they will stay open year round. Now I knew it would be crowded in town as the weather was threatening rain ( when hasn't it this season) and the fog still clung to the shorelines- not many people ready to venture into The Park ( as we locals refer to Acadia National Park) if they could get wet.
After making my purchase and walking down the street I noticed this woman staring into the shop windows as she pushed a jogging stroller in front of her. Not only was this stroller preventing anyone from getting around her, she was also moving at a pace that made one wonder if she really did jog! I kept my distance as I recognized this type of browser and knew their behavior could turn erratic at any point. And just to confirm this she abruptly stopped and then immediately starting walking backwards, obviously drawn back by an object that was calling to her. Of course she did not turn around to go back nor did she look over her shoulder to see if anyone was behind her, but just started walking backwards drawn by the sirens silent call.
Unfortunately, the people walking behind her were not tuned into the same frequency and therefore were blocking this woman's backward movement ( as she continued to stare sideways into the shop's windows) and were nearly knocked over by her. Now this seems to be a typical reaction of people who become so immersed in their surroundings that they forget that others exist- this woman looked at these people she just nearly bowled over as if to say- what are you doing here blocking my way- can't you see I am in my own vacation world and you should not be in it! No apologies- just this hard stare at these people to let them know they should not have been there in the first place.
I chuckled to myself and crossed the street to avoid any possibility of my incurring her evil eye and chalked it up to another oblivious tourist. We locals all know they can be dangerous and try and spot the signs for self preservation.
I will post more of these Bar Harbor tourist aberrations to amuse you and comment on. Now mind you, I am not against our tourists- after all they do bring money to the town and support The Park, and I have spent more than a few evenings chatting pleasantly with them at local hangouts over a few drinks and for the most they are well behaved. Bu there are those that we can always count on to act in certain ways that do bring either a smile or a smirk and it is those I will recap along with our seasons' ups and downs. And wait until the cruise ship season is at its height- that brings a whole other type of tourist to Bar Harbor!
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